Effects Of Powerful Iman

All praises to Allah the most Benevolent the most Merciful, controller of the world and Hereafter’s problems. He is the sustainer, provider, maintainer of our respect, provider of success and failure, illness and health, death and vitality. The most integral part of faith in Almighty is the faith that He fulfils our needs; He is our guardian that our fate is destined and pre-determined by Him. When faith is endured strong, life is relaxed. And with a firm faith as basis, man is expected to grip and let go of worldly belongings. This has been unveiled through the fable of Musa (ASL) and his stick.

Faith in the unseen and deeds (amaal) done unto Him is the definition of Iman. This too, is what the Qur’an and Huzur (Sws) has extensively spoken about. The work of Dawah is an extension of their sayings. Unless and until we believe that He is doer and all is controlled by Him and nobody else, the sublime streak of beauty of Iman will not be experienced by any one of us. The degree of Iman present within each of us surfaces upon death. This is considered one of the hidden treasures of Iman and no one but Allah knows this. 1400 years back when one Sahabi was returning after burying Prophet Muhammad (Sws), he experienced a decrease in his Iman, 1400 years from then, I wonder what is our present state of Iman now. those whose hearts are filled with hypocrisy, think themselves as strong believers and those whose hearts are filled with faith are frightened of hypocrisy, because Iman is variable and decreases or increases. It is said: Because of iman’s variability it is said that a believer in the morning becomes an atheist in the evening and the believer in the evening becomes an atheist in the morning. May Allah save us from being a hypocrite! (Ameen) Praise Allah’s greatness and magnificence by walking in His way because doing Dawah work equips Iman strong. Situations should not be linked to the materialistic world instead, humbly accept it to be from Allaah.

Struggling for faith shows the magnificence of deed which is the key to success. When the Commandment of Allah clashes with desire and wish, follow Allah’s order and kill carnal desire. What problem you have to face for mortifying carnal desire do it but do not disobey Allah’s Command, it is the real test of faith. Who will do thus; will obtain the support of Allah with him.

I want to turn you towards one thing about Iman, when you see wrong and evil stop it with your hand, if it is not possible to do so stop it with your tongue (words), if it is also not possible then at least take it ill with heart, it is the lowest degree of Iman.

  • The first gift of Iman is the Fear of Allaah (Taqwa) and extreme self-control in the body. Truly speaking when Iman is ruined, Fear of Allaah disappears and we lose self-control from the body .
  • Once real Iman is achieved heart is fully focused towards Allaah and influence of materialistic world ends.
  • Your necessities will be fulfilled according to the level of your Iman, if it’s strong the necessities get fulfilled in a respectable way, if not, there will be scarcity (Tangi, Bebarkati) in everything. And life becomes miserable and painful.
  • Reflects love and respect towards all aspect of Islam and Deen.
  • Body becomes ready to do Amaal.
  • Showing and pride gets evaporated and the person becomes humble and polite.
  • Eyes begin to shed tears easily because of fear of Allaah, and he feels softness of the heart.
  • Loses interest in the materialistic world and becomes keen to do something which good for Hereafter.
  • By seeing Allaah’s help and Nusrat Iman becomes more powerful.
  • Laziness and Ghaflah disappears and strength develops to do more Amaal.
  • Feels contentment and happy there is no pain or frustration.
  • Becomes a man of Nooraniyat,
  • Becomes humble towards juniors and servants, feels pain if anyone suffers, even animals
  • Becomes repentant for the committed sins in the past.
  • Enjoys the path of Allaah and especially the Mosque.
  • Feels that life is too short and often remembers the death and Akherat,
  • Concrete Yaqeen develops towards IMAN- E- MOFASSAL.
  • Forgives people for their faults, do not take revenge.
  • Fulfills each and everyone rights according to Shariah.
  • Distinguishes between desires (khwaish) and necessities. Dislikes extravagance (Fuzul kharchi).
  • Hatred for the sins develops, even if it is small.
  • Heart and Mind remain fully protected from the wrong impact of thoughts and washvasas.
  • Loves quietness and calmness.
  • Thinks that my brother is better than me.
  • Feels happy when does a virtue and realizes pain if something bad or wrong has been carried out.
  • Loves to die for the cause of Allaah’s Deen.
  • Follows Prophet saws Sunnah. Sayings and Manner etiquette at all works of life because he understood that Allaah has kept success in his way of life..
  • Eats moderately.
  • Automatically wakes up for Tahajjud and Fazar.
  • Enjoys doing Dua for the Ummah.
  • Fears hypocrisy and controversy ( Nifaq & Fithna) a lot.
  • Returns belongings (Amaanat) to its owner as it was.
  • Urges for more and more Noor and Hidayat, and is never satisfied with the derived Noor.
  • Does not see or observe others’ faults. Instead, targets himself.
  • Takes lessons from the World (duniya).
  • Reads Masnun Duaein in time and never forgets.
  • Leads life with Maswara.
  • By reciting Quran and listening Azan his Iman becomes more powerful .
  • These kind of people are fully protected from the controversy ( Fithna) by the Grace of Allaah.
  • Does many Amaals even though he wasn’t aware of them.
  • Develops too much Haya and Sharam.
  • Instead of taking advantages from others, he’d rather help others and forget about himself.
  • Is a keen listener and a moderate talker.
  • Prefers to stay alone, and dislikes chaos.
  • Never becomes hopeless or ungrateful.
  • Avoids argument and arrogance.
  • Is not scared of Creations (Makhlooq).
  • Behaves according to the temperament of the people.
  • Vision (Ferasat) develops.
  • When required, becomes completely focused but once finished withdraws himself.
  • Does not interfere with any body’s personal affairs.
1 Comment
  • Abdulmajeed Umar
    Posted at 23:29h, 05 September Reply

    In sha Allah. May Allah guide us all and grant our heart desires.

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