Millions of thoughts will get retrieved from your memory chip – they will trap your thoughts. Make sure that you are not trapped in one of their wrong nets. Work of Dawah, Ikhlas in the heart reflect on Sunnah of Prophet SWS and guidance from a pious Shyaikh will protect you from wrong thoughts and incorrect understandings (Gumrahi ) in life. Whenever Allah will send His Commands and Wishes to your Nafs fulfill them with the Sunnah, Sayings and manners & etiquette of Prophet SWS. Have patience and bear some hardship but do not break the Commands of Allah.

If I am not able to express myself or convince you about something, it verily doesn’t mean I am wrong or if someone for some reason is unable to unfold a few things in their minds, once again, it does not imply that the subject is useless or variably baseless. Believe me, The Almighty has annihilated an inexplicable form of darkness from my wisdom, so many things that I wish to say or write are strongly backed by and aura of immaculate truth. Here, I mention a few lines from that bound faith and supreme sayings with an electrified depth. I would be highly grateful if you could spend some time reading it.


There is a piece of organ dwelling in the human body , if it is flawless the body is faultless. If it is sick the entire body is badly affected, this organ is called the Heart. Said by Holy Prophet Mohammed ( Peace be upon him)


While offering Salat or performing Zikr make sure your heart is focused fully towards Allah Subhanu Tawala. And check if Satan is creating distractions from the outside on to your senses. Finally, check if the thoughts


While offering Salat or performing Zikr make sure your heart is focused fully towards Allah Subhanu Tawala. And check if Satan is creating distractions from the outside on to your senses. Finally, check if the thoughts


Satans our biggest enemy. Never be callous or forgetful of his tricks and plans. Take for instance those suffering from high blood pressure and high sugar — Satan will arrange those very food materials before him

Secret of heart

There is a piece of organ dwelling in the human body , if it is flawless the body is faultless. If it is sick the entire body is badly affected, this organ is called the Heart. Said by Holy Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him)

Divine Guidance

While offering Salat or performing Zikr make sure your heart is focused fully towards Allah Subhanu Tawala. And check if Satan is creating distractions from the outside on to your senses. Finally, check if the thoughts

Divine Guidance (Arabic)

While offering Salat or performing Zikr make sure your heart is focused fully towards Allah Subhanu Tawala. And check if Satan is creating distractions from the outside on to your senses. Finally, check if the thoughts

Health Priority

Satans our biggest enemy. Never be callous or forgetful of his tricks and plans. Take for instance those suffering from high blood pressure and high sugar — Satan will arrange those very food materials before him


Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Moshin Ali is a world-renowned Integrative Medicine Practitioner and an Islamic Thinker of the Sciences of the Qalb (Tazkiyah). He completed his graduation from Calcutta University and then obtained formal education from Chinese Nature Cure Institute in Singapore, thereafter has practiced around the world in both western and eastern countries such as London, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Hongkong and India where today he serves as the Medical Director at Integrated Medical Centre, Delhi. Four of his other brothers run a successful alternative medicine center in the medical district of London, Harley Street.

How to go ahead with action



Put your Nafs into training like a horse with qualities such as self control, patience, sacrifice and the ability to take on hardships then push your heart (Qalb) using the Mind’s Intellect, ILM, Experience, efforts, your wealth and resources, capacity and capabilities and tend towards your priorities (Dawah, Ibadath, Present sufferings, Health, Finance, Family and Akherath) proportionately in order to please Allah SWT (Ikhlas).

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An effective strategy to counter displeasure. Always fear Allah, while facing displeasure, start reciting Zikr of Allah in abundance, then ask Allah to seep in Imaan, Yaqeen, Sabr, Taqwa, and Tawakkul into your heart. Try to refuse all materialistic and worldly belongings and their induced effects. Then cleanse the mind from all evil thoughts and watch your focus so it doesn’t divert you towards any non-priority subject. But sadly, without understanding the secret of the heart and mind it would be difficult to implement.

2. Act according to your level of strength

Act according to your level of strength, stamina, and personal situations. In Bengali we say “Apni Woboshtha Booje Babostha Lena). It translates to, makes your arrangements on the basis of your situation. This is one of the best strategies I have learned.

3. Do Tauba, astaghfar and recite Daroodshareef

Do Tauba, astaghfar and recite Daroodshareef to keep your heart (Wisdom) clean and transparent, so that the signs, guidance, and Noor from Allah easily penetrate.

4. If you don't have a strong intellect

If you don’t have a strong intellect then the Mind stumbles upon subjects of non priority and that directly affect your productivity, quality performance and Aamaal. Finally this destroys your inner peace and productivity in the present. The best in the world have very high level of execution and intelligence, they get things done fast. Try to stop thinking, ignore thoughts or control them. Keep your mind junkfree, avoid negative thoughts and keep it relaxed and calm. It depends on how much Peace you have in your heart (Wisdom).

5. Act on your priorities with confidence

Act on your priorities with confidence, execution with Intelligence and Commands of Allah and Sunnah. Do not get influenced by situations and material at all. In the company of others your manners should be perfect, do not backbite and criticize people. Always maintain secrecy. Many people behave foolishly and regret later.

6. To counter vasvasa, Say 'No' with emphasis

To counter vasvasa, Say ‘No’ with emphasis and have self-control (patience) towards all addictions, pleasures, bad habits and Haram (Sins). Most people are trapped by Satan’s net in these four things. Always remain focus on the Nafs and practice self-control so that you don’t commit any evil. Nowadays people are also lost in social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, Smartphones and tablets, forgetting or neglecting their duties, responsibilities and priorities. If these happen sufferings will multiply.

7. Take decision and act according to your own mental

Take a decision and act according to your own mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial conditions. To counter Mind Slavery, Hold Quran, Sunnah, power of Imaan, and professional guidance firmly and think of consequences first.

8. In order to avoid haste and hyperactivity

In order to avoid haste and hyperactivity practice moderation and try to remain cool, quiet and calm.

9. How do we define the world? In my opinion

How do we define the world? In my opinion, it is a garland of hardships you are embellished with from a young age, one that you ought to bear the weight of and keep moving forward. The lessons we learn from pain will always make us the strongest.

10. Your fate will be decided by your Intention

Your fate will be decided by your Intention and Deeds (Niyah and Aamaal). Always try to rectify these two things.

11. Pray Salah/Namaz on time with high concentration

Pray Salah/Namaz on time with high concentration, do Dua and strive in the path of Allah (Tableegh) to achieve Imaan, Yaqeen, Sabr, Taqwa, Tawakkul and Kaanah. Above all, Imaan should reflect in all your actions and deeds. Be alert and have commonsense, then back to



